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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

lagi cerita korea yg aku dah tgk..korg da tgk?

eh, korg da tgk blm cter korea ni??
Lady Castle...
bg yg minat je la...
yg xminat tu anda boleh skip baca entry ni...
seperti biasa,
semua cter korea yg aku da tgk mesti masuk blog aku...
sebagai contoh:
youre beautiful...
nk rekemen kan kat korg...
ye la lagi2 tgh cuti skng ni kan??
sejak2 berkecimpung jd peminat cter korea ni,
ade je cter baru mesti rakan2 ku akan merekemen kan kat aku...
aku pon rembat je la..

cter ni ade lawak2 sket..
yg lawak2 ni yg lebih menarik perhatian aku...
senang cter korg bace la synopsis cter ni...
nah amek ni..

Of the high-rolling top 'hot celebrities' of the wealthy upper class in Korea's high society, Kang Hye Na is the one desired by the men, feared and hated by the women. Being the only successor to the largest conglomerate company, Kang San Group, Kang Hye Na has both the looks and the background. She is the owner of the ‘Lady Castle’ and lives a ‘princess-like’ life with her servants.
Until one day, out of pure coincidence, she comes across Seo Dong Chan who turns her life upside down. Not only does he make her do community service, he even kidnapped her... and now he's the new household manager!!! Even after stepping on him, crushing him and biting him, he still doesn't run away. She may have finally met her match...

pandai2 lah korg translate dlm bm...
tp korg terer english kan??
MUET sume band 6...

walaupun byk gak cter korea yg aku da tgk,
tp aku tetap gagal utk mengingati nama2 pelakon nye...
ke korg lebih tahu??
ni die...

td aku tgk kat my soju,
cter ni xde lah...
so pandai2 lah korg carik cter ni kalao nk tgk..
xpon meh amek kat aku...
tu je..


~fatin~ said...

daus sesungguhnye ak x tgok lg cter nie..
tlg la jgn bg ak jeles..

::dAuZsHaNLeY:: said...

kau perlu laju sket eh...
tolong fokus..


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