masuk bulan 12 je,
hati dah xtenteram..
result nak kluar...
sem ni dah mcm berterabur je..
result ni ntah cane lah...
sumpah cuak weh!
cuak2 cuak jugak...
aktiviti berblog perlu diteruskan...
bagi menyahut seruan seorg blogger (lynnd88)
aku buat tag yg beliau tag aku ni...
lama dah xwat tag ni...
layan kan aje lah yea.. =)
soalan xberagak lak byk kan?
- Real name : firdaus
- Nickname : dauz, some friends call me shanley
- Zodiac sign:Capricon
- Male or female : male
- Elementary school : SK Sri Langat (dah jd skolah kluster skng)
- Highschool : SMK Banting & MRSM Pasir Salak)
- College : Kolej Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang
- Hair colour :blonde boleh? hitam sudehh...
- Tall or short :178cm
- Sweat or jeans : Jeans
- Phone or Camera :camera?
- Health freak : x
- Orange or apple : orange
- Do you have a crush on someone? : ntah
- Eat or drink : dengan yakin! eat!
- Piercings :kat pusat! hahahaa.. giler lah..xde2..
- Pepsi or coke : pepsi..
- Been in an airplane : aaha..
- Been in relationship : belum lagi...
- Been in a car accident : minor one...
- Been a fist fight : hmmm...
- First household chores : ntah
- First best friend :xingat
- First award : ada..
- First crush : x
- First word : weyh!
- First section :????xpaam
- Last person you talked to in person :my dad.
- Last person you texted : ntah
- Last person you watched a movie with : my bros
- Last food you ate : mee goreng
- Last movie you watched : NgangkOng
- Last song you listen to : kurnia, mizz nina & noh
- Last thing you bought :xingt...
- Last person you hugged : pon xingat..
- Food : chicken?
- Drink : limau kasturi
- Bottoms : Jeans
- Flower : xkesah..
- Animal :kuceng?
- Colour : grey? cam blog aku...
- Movie : funny
- Subject : yg xsusah!
- [] falling in love with someone.
- [] celebrate Halloween
- [] had your heart broken
- [] went over the minutes/ texts on your cellphone
- [] had someone question my sexual orientation
- [] got pregnant * aku xboleh lah!
- [] had an abortion
- [] did something i regret
- [x] broke a promise
- [x] hide a secret * byk sgt!
- [x] pretend to be happy *sometimes...
- [] met someone who changed your life
- [] pretend to be sick
- [] left the country
- [] try something you normally wouldn'try and liked it
- [] cried over the silliest thing
- [x] ran a mile
- [] when to the beach with your best friend
- [] got into an argument with your friend
- [x] hated someone
- [x] stayed single for a whole year * still single =)
- Eating : mee goreng
- Drinking : Teh ais
- Listening to :
- Sitiing or laying : siting
- Plan for today : no plan
- Waiting : my final exam result!
- Want kids ? : Of Course i want
- Want to get married : Yes
- Career : lecturer? hopefully...
- Lips or eyes : Eyes
- Shorter or taller :shorter..xnak lagi tggi dari aku...
- Romantic or spontaneous :ntah...
- Nice stomach or nice arms : stomach lah, xnak bunchet..
- Hook -up or relationship : xpaham laah...*kata xpernah..
- Looks or personality : personality
- Lost glasses/contacts : pernah2..lens terkeluar dr mata..hahaa..
- Snuck out of a house : macam pernah..
- Held a gun/knife for self defense : No
- Killed somebody :Tidakkkkkkkkkk
- Broken somebody heart : Maybe
- Been in love : not yet
- Cried when someoned died : Yes
- Yourself : yup
- Miracles : boleh ke?
- Love at first sight : tidaK
- Heaven : Yes
- Santa claus : tidakkkk
- Superstition : Tidakkkk!!!
- Kiss on the first date : tidakkkk
- Is there one person you want to be with right now ? yUp
- Do you know who your real friends are ? hmmm...
- Do you believe in God ? Yes
- Post as 100 truths ? Yup
tag sorg je boleh?
hani? ko rajin tak buat tag ni?

hehhehe...yeah2x da jwp...tengs sudi jwp kna tag nie...hahahha byk x hengat dunia kn
hani mane? ceh perasan giler aku kan HAHAA sekalik org lain. kalo hani lain, ko kaverkan ak taw
eh akulah! leh tekan upenyer hani tu keh keh. banyaknyer soklannn. na nanges dulu leh? hehhehe
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