u know what?
aku ade masuk 1 contest ni kat nuffnang...
kalau menang,
dia akan bgtau thru email...
kalau menang dpt 2 tiket g tgk tygn PRINCE OF PERSIA...
hanya 150 nuffnangers yg berjaya
wat slogan yang best kat page nuffnang
akan dijemput khas...
aku bukak la inbox kat email tu...
coz jarang bukak...
td tetibe je terdetik nk bukak...
aku dapat ni...
Dear Nuffnanger,
You're cordially invited to the Snack & Screen Session with Rice Crisps by Mister Potato happening on;
Date : 27 May 2010 (Thursday)
Time : 9.30pm
Venue : Cathay Cineplex, e@Curve
Movie : Prince of Persia :The Sands of Time
TWO (2) invites have been reserved under your name and email address. Kindly confirm your attendance to the screening by sending a confirmation email to ricecrisps@nuffnang.com before 12pm, 21 May 2010 (Friday). Please do not reply to this email. Failure to confirm your attendance will result in your invites being revoked and passed to other bloggers.
A ticket collection counter will be setup by 8.30pm at the lobby of the cinema. Kindly collect the invites by 9.30pm as latecomers will not be entertained.
We look forward to receiving your confirmation email.
Blogger Relations Department
Nuffnang Sdn Bhd
pastu die bagi ni pulak
yang mengesahkan bahawa....
Dear Nuffnanger,
We would like to inform you that your invitations to the Snack & Screen session have been revoked as you did not confirm your attendance within the stipulated time. As such, they will be passed to other bloggers who didn't make it in the initial list.
Kindly take note.
Blogger Relations Department
Nuffnang Sdn Bhd
aku bukak emel ni kol 8.30pm...
tp kat situ tulis kena bg confirmation b4 12pm....
dah la tgh bosan2 kat rumah ni...
arrgghhh!!!! RUGI SGT2!
sedeh gler kot...
kalau nasib baik lagi time tgh tgk wyg tu,
boleh menang prize lagi....
mmg xde rezeki gler laaa....
seyes mmg frust gler2...
speechless dah ni...
mmg aku mengaharap nk menang contest ni...=(

siannye ko. syg weyhhh.. huhu. tape,pasni kene rajen bukak email taw. wuwuwu
simpati kan?
tu laa...
hari2 aku bukak emel la cani...
wah rugi..
xde rezki xpe la..skali jer msuk tuk aiDs campign..tp bila dpt email xlYk hahahah...sedih...
ruginya....sabar je la bro..
anyway salam ziarah dari Geng Blogger :)
eNaSaN : masuk aids campaign? asal xlayak plak?
Azrul Hisham : mmg tgh bersabar ni...
btw, thanks to both of u for visiting my blog!
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